Update CUSROM YUN OS 3.0.5 version 4.17 Untuk XIAOMI Redmi

Pada kesempatan ini akan coba kami bagikan CUSROM Update YUN OS 3.05 versi 4.17
  • NAMA ROM : YUN OS 3.05
  • VERSI            : 4.17
  • MODEL         : XIAOMI

                                                                  Pasword  : jq1p
 Untuk Flash Update  silahkan Download DISINI

 Change Log :

1. The new version 2.6.7 of life services
Low distribution model adaptation (custom service entrance restrictions to five, tips off by default)
Removal guess you like
Support camera scan code to add cards
Upgrade weblight
Bank card credit card repayment SMS transfer * bank card credit card loan transfer SMS
2. Cloud Search:
Support applications since the upgrade
Hot word update policy optimization, search results pages display logic optimization
3. System Upgrade
The upgrade is complete result notification, can retry after a failed upgrade
Users can upgrade complete results notification Share
WLAN support automatic silently download the upgrade package
Chinese support for increased recovery
4. Cloud Search: a new revision, ripples around the hot words, interactive search, the integration of voice and text input methods, more convenient switch at any time
5. Life Services
Events calendar cards and related services automatically transferred
SMS operators turn cards and related services
Greeting card envelopes associated service Alipay
Tickets, train travel destination information associated with the service
New Flipboard personalized recommendations cards
6. Security Center
Refuse removal increased regular automatic cleaning function
Large file revised page
2 Positioning permission for a merger
Support some third-party applications SMS backup and restore functionality
Permissions optimized background applications when applying permissions, if not the desktop foreground process, which temporarily banned out
Since the start of the new strategy, to prohibit self-starting, allowing only part of the IM product from the start
Harassment intercept plus dual card support, before intercepting the contents of Jia Ruka mark
Increase Permissions statistics: Click individual permissions can be listed for each application case for this privilege
7. Album
Cloud Performance Optimization Album
Cloud albums supports video uploading, downloading function
8. Account
1. Increase account login guide
2. The account management function optimization, display Taobao Avatar
3. Account logout function optimization
  • Smoth RAM 
  • dll

  • Fix 
  • Repair Under certain conditions, the probability of occurrence of silent ringtones issue
  • All Family 
  • Facebook group/Xiaomi
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