[CUSTOM] [ROM] SAMSUNG S5 for Acer Liquid E3
Irfa 'Hoel' Pauzi
Acer Liquid S5 by Shinichi
- Rapid Button
- Camera still 8MP *fix Ganti pake App Camera (Lenovo Cam Recomend)
- Memory Internal ga kebaca *fix, Cabut aja SDCard nya,trus pasang kembali (Thank to agan Olga)
- Keyboard bawaan FC *Fix ganti pake App Keyboard (Smart Keyboard Pro Recomend) trus keyboard bawaan di hapus or freeze pake Titanium Backup atau app sejenis
- No Airgesture
- Real Kitkat 4.4.2
- Smooth
- S5 UI (Launcher, Lockscreen, etc)
- SD Card Unlocked (Bisa install n restore data pake Titanium Backup)
Link: Download
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Source : [Official] Acer Liquid E3 Indonesia
Thanks to:
- Agan Artha Bedul
- All member ALE 3
- Needrom (Source this ROM)
- and other
- Special Thanx to my big boss Allah SWT