Download and Install Busybox Pro in Marshmallow 6.0 [Root]

Now you can download and install Busybox pro v30 in Android Marshmallow 6.0 for free and if your like the apk you can buy it from playstore to support developer.This latest version of Busybox pro v30.apk now supports Android Marshmallow 6.0 and other roms like CM13,CM12 etc.Busy box is very useful app for many trick like for xmodgames,Wpa wps tester pro use to hack wifi etc etc.

So Lets start the guide on How to install Busybox in android Marshmallow 6.0.Before installing make sure that your device is rooted properly and supersu installed in your device.

#How to install BusyBox in Android Marshmallow 6.0

1. Download and install Busybox Pro from links given below in download section.
2. Now Open the app then tap on Install Busybox Tab.


3. Now change the installation location of busybox to �/system/xbin

4. All done! now tap install button and let the busy box install in your device


5.Now Reboot your device and you are ready to use busy box on android marshmallow

You have successfully installed busybox on your android device running android marshmallow 6.0.

Hope these steps also works with you.Do report us Back in comments section.


1.Download Busybox pro v30.apk