How To Use SnapChat On Rooted Device using xposed Framework.

A big step is taken by snapchat team that the user having rooted device can't use snapchat on there device.Snapchat is the fastest way of sharing photos to multiple friends at the time . However, many of you, Snapchat rooted users will soon face error "Oh no! Your login temporarily failed, so please try again" as Snapchat stop working on your rooted devices.So if your are ruining on latest snapchat version and have rooted device then you may be seeing error while logging in your snapchat account.


So how to solve this problem and use snapchat even in rooted device.Yes you can use Snapchat app even on rooted device running on any android version jellybean,kitkat,lollipop etc.

See also:Top 10 Best Xposed Modules for Marshmallow 6.0

Follow below simple steps to use Snapchat and root access at the same time by using one small xposed module named as rootcloack.

#How to use snapchat on rooted device.

1) Make sure you have Xposed Framework installed in your device.If not you can install it from the download link below.

2) After installing xposed framework,Install RootCloak xposed module..

3) Enable RootClock in the Xposed Installer app. Do this by opening Xposed Installer, going to Modules, and pressing the check box next to RootClock.

4) Reboot your phone.

5) Now open rootclock app and go to RootClock settings and then go to Add/Remove. This is where you will change which apps RootCloak hides root from.

6) Go to the menu (3 dots), and press "Reset to Default Apps".

7) Press the + button then find Snapchat app from the list and press it to add it to the list.

8) Exit RootCloak settings. If the app you just added was already running, either FORCE CLOSE it, or reboot your phone.

9) Run the app to see if root was successfully hidden.


1.Download xposed Framework installed.

2.Download Rootclock xposed module.