Lenovo Vibe K4 Note is budget device recently launched in India at the price of Rs11,999 ONLY with great features and hardware built in.It comes with whooping 3GB RAM, Octa-core 1.3 GHz Cortex-A53,Fingerprint Scanner,, comes with an android lollipop and upgradable to android Marshmallow 6.0.The phone is quite an awesome device.You can craft its more awesomeness by rooting and install best custom roms like andorid marshmallow 6.0,CM12.1,CM13 etc.
Coming back to our today's topic we are going to guide you in rooting Lenovo K4 note running on android lollipop for achieving root, You can use kigo root to root your device without PC or Computer.Follow below steps on How to root K4 Note.
Note that by rooting your device your device warranty will Void.
Coming back to our today's topic we are going to guide you in rooting Lenovo K4 note running on android lollipop for achieving root, You can use kigo root to root your device without PC or Computer.Follow below steps on How to root K4 Note.
Note that by rooting your device your device warranty will Void.
#How to Root Lenovo K4 Note Without Computer
1.Download and install Kingo root in your device.
2.Now open the app and wait for a while as it will verify your device model and root status.
3.Now you will see a START ROOT button will showing it just tap on it.
4.It will start rooting your device and the processes will be little longer about 3-5 minutes from 0% to 100%.
5.The Process completed it will show you Root Successfully.It means your device is rooted successfully.
6.To check your root status you can download root checker from playstore.
2.Now open the app and wait for a while as it will verify your device model and root status.
3.Now you will see a START ROOT button will showing it just tap on it.
4.It will start rooting your device and the processes will be little longer about 3-5 minutes from 0% to 100%.
5.The Process completed it will show you Root Successfully.It means your device is rooted successfully.
6.To check your root status you can download root checker from playstore.