3 simple mistake that can destroy blogging career

mistake that can destroy blogging career

Many new blogger fails in their blogging career because they have no experience, less knowledge about blogging and they did mistake and some mistake can be costly that can ruin their effort.today i will tell you about some simple mistake that can destroy blogging career.while starting blogging you have set your plan and aim and you should focus on your plan but many newbie missed these thing like blogger widget seo and other thing that play significant role in building good blog.when you going to start new blog the first thing you do is the selecting blog name and blog title.that should be short and easy to remember this will help to make unique visitors.

Not taking part in conservation

you have to participate in conservation.join other bloggers, social media pages or groups and communicate with them.ask them to join your blog.invite your friends to friends to like your page.share your post on social media.try to reply comments quick it also help to gain visitor trust and if you are not participating in comments conservation then you are sending bad or spammy impression.

Not thinking as visitor

If you are not thinking like user then you may loss lot of visitors.If you are not giving required information to visitor they will exit your blog.give your reader they are looking for.use good navigation menu and widgets because it helps readers to move their cursor to post or category they want .make sure loading time of your blog is less if your blog take too much time loading then visitor will not stay  longer on your blog.do not write long paragraphs If your article is long then use short paragraph and heading which help to gain reader interest in article and  help them in reading.

Not managing time

Time is very important thing and id you have not make schedule or calendar to manage your blog then it can create problem for you.making calendar is very necessary if you are blogging alone.many expert blogger have more than one author and admin to manage blog so they got ease of time.I know it is difficult for one person to manage time to keep your blog up to date, may be you are student and you have study work But it suggest to make time table and follow it with consistently which is important factor in blogging career.

At the End i want to sumerize this post in few lines.If you do not want to mess with mistake then do dnot rush things.Set up your goal. confirm your social media presence so people can find and follow you.add subscribtion option build community.provide quality content to your visitors.Work in silence and let success be your noise
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