eMMC Pro New News

eMMC Pro New Models

We are releasing more models ,
more dumps , more pinouts for our customer demands .
Thanks for the feedbacks for our all eMMC Pro Users .
# LG D337 ISP / eMMC Pinouts / Uploaded [ World First ]
# LG D337 Full eMMC Dump / Uploaded [ World First ]
# LG V10 [H901] Direct eMMC Pinouts / Uploaded
# LG V10 [H901] Full eMMC Dump / Uploaded [ [World First ]
# Samsung G318H ISP / eMMC Pinouts / Uploaded
# Samsung G318H Full eMMC Dump / Uploaded [ World First ]
# Samsung NOTE 4 [ N910F] Direct eMMC Pinouts / Uploaded [World First ]
# Samsung NOTE 4 [ N910F] Full eMMC Dump / Uploaded [World First ]
# OPPO R5 - R8107 ISP / eMMC Pinouts / Uploaded [World First ]
# OPPO R5 - R8107 Full eMMC Dump / Uploaded [World First ]

LG V10 [H901] :

ISP / eMMC Pinouts are not available on the board for those who want to program eMMC
You can still do it using eMMC Pro and connecting eMMC IC directly to eMMC Pro using the picture provided .

Samsung NOTE 4 [ N910F]

ISP / eMMC Pinouts are not available on the board for those who want to program eMMC
You can still do it using eMMC Pro and connecting eMMC IC directly to eMMC Pro using the picture provided .

LG D337 :

BOOT1 [ ROM2 ] Dump is important in order to repair dead boot .
Files are uploaded to support area .

You can now operate with almost all mobile phones with eMMC / eMCP inside !

Advanced eMMC Repair
Universal Device Programmer
Free eMMC Booster with eMMC Pro Hardware
JTAG Finder Started
ORT-JTAG - Your Fastest JTAG Arrived
eMMC PRo - Universal Device Programmer