FB Auto liker software free download for PC and Android v2.5.1 latest version 2017. Facebook Auto Liker Android app is now available on Google Play Store. You can direct install it from play store. On this page you can download FB Auto Liker Android Apk App directly from the given downloading link at the bottom. You can gain more likes for your Facebook post to get popular among your friends. You can gain more than 200 likes per post.
FB Auto Liker Software Free Download for PC and Android v2.5.2
Download latest version FB auto liker app free for all Android operating system versions 1.6 plus. It works to get free automatic likes to your images, photos, shared data, and to any kinds of post. It works faster, and quicker, you can get a lot of likes within seconds. You can download a FB auto liker the Android app for your Android smart phones and tablets.
Facebook likes matters in a blog post which you share on Facebook, the more likes you will get to a blog post than enough google ranking you will get. In other words, Facebook likes matters to blog SEO. FB likes, Google plus shares, Twitter shares, Stumble upon pins, are valued by google for a blog or blog post. If you are a blogger then you can get auto likes to various posts.

File Detail
- Name: FB Auto Liker software
- Version: v2.5.1
- Size: 2.7MB
- Developer: FBAutoLiker
- Required OS: Android
- Android: v1.6 and higher
- App extension: Apk
- FB Auto Liker is free
- Clean file from viruses and malware
- Secure user personal data
- More than two hundred (200) likes per post
- Fast result than you expect
- Simple interface
- Compatible with all Android versions
- Most trusted app, voted by billions of users
How to Use?
- Create an account to Facebook and log in
- Must enable Facebook followers
- Keep public your Facebook post
Download Facebook Auto liker app free for your Android smart phones and tablet. So, download an automatic liker free from below here. It is working on all Android versions. So, get started under here.