Infinity Nokia BEST Dongle v 2.26 Setup Download

Infinity Nokia BEST Dongle v 2.26  Lumia 640 USB Boot Repair fix, Navi Manager changes

- Lumia Flash Engine updated

- Boot repair procedure now supported for Lumia 640 line!
FIXED: RM-1062 Lumia 640 XL LTE
FIXED: RM-1066 Lumia 640 XL
FIXED: RM-1067 Lumia 640 XL DualSim
NEW: RM-1074 Lumia 640 LTE
FIXED: RM-1075 Lumia 640 DualSim
FIXED: RM-1077 Lumia 640 DualSim
FIXED: RM-1113 Lumia 640 LTE DualSim

Now you can repair this phones boots easy, fast and over USB.

*Note: LumiaRepairPack_v1.05 must be installed !

- NaviManager updated
Changes in download engine
Link genereation also show links in log ( remember about they have limit lifitime! )
PC Downloader: New MS-notation product code download support
Codes like M10XXXXX-001 (MS-notation) and old 059XXXX (Nokia-notation)

- Other
Some bugfixes and improvements at all

Setup Download From Here:

Setup Download

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- Infinity-Box/Dongle
- BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] Dongle
- CDMA-Tool Dongle (fast and easy unlock)