Medusa PRO v 1.3.4 Sony Factory Repair Update Released
Added Factory Repair (Boot) for Sony devices.
Added possibility to set extended options for boot operation mode.
Uploaded new “Live logs” in to the Support Area.
Medusa PRO v.1.3.4 Release Notes:
- Sony Factory Repair feature has been released!
You can try to repair boot on Sony devices via eMMC by using original Sony firmware («*.ftf» and "*.SIN_FILE_SET" versions of firmware are supported)
This feature can be useful in case, if you don’t have the same working device to prepare Boot Repair file or device you want to repair currently is not supported.
Note, device should have non-damaged native TA (Trim Area), otherwise device will not be repaired. We recommended to make backup of TA before repairing.
Also, software will automatically try to detect and backup (read) TA partition from the phone to «Backup» folder before repairing.
- Added support for the following models via eMMC:
Samsung SM-A500FU - Read/Write/Erase, Easy Repair, Partition Manager, Constructor for Repair Files
Samsung SM-J700F - Read/Write/Erase, Easy Repair, Partition Manager, Constructor for Repair Files
Huawei G630-U10 - Read/Write/Erase, Easy Repair, Partition Manager, Constructor for Repair Files
Sony D2303 - Read/Write/Erase, Easy Repair *, Partition Manager, Constructor for Repair Files
Sony D5503 - Read/Write/Erase, Easy Repair *, Partition Manager, Constructor for Repair Files
Sony D6603 - Read/Write/Erase, Easy Repair *, Partition Manager, Constructor for Repair Files
- Added support for the following models via USB:
OPPO A31 - Read/Write/Full Erase, Easy Repair, Partition Manager, Constructor for Repair Files
- Added possibility to set extended options for boot operation mode.
From now on you can set the following options: «Boot partition enable», «Boot ACK», «Boot bus width», «Reset boot bus conditions» and «Boot mode»
- Box firmware has been updated to 1.16 version! In 1.16 firmware version we have improved eMMC connection and eMMC Read operations
To update firmware automatically, it is necessary to connect the Box and only then run the software.
Also, you can update Box firmware manually via «Update Box Firmware» button at the «Welcome» tab in Medusa Pro software
- Medusa card firmware has been updated to 2.5 version! To run Medusa Pro Software v.1.3.4 and future versions, it is necessary to update card firmware.
Also note, that after updating card firmware to v.2.5, it won’t be possible to run older Software versions
- Uploaded Full flash for Huawei G620S-L01 into the Support Area
- Uploaded new “Live logs” into the Support Area
- Added more detailed operations’ logging
- Improved work (parsing) with pit files
- All pinouts and repair procedures are described in the manual ("Help" button in the software)
* Note: device should have non-damaged native TA; otherwise device will not be repaired
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