[CM13] Download Official CM13 Rom for Nexus 7 (Deb & Flo)

Cyanogenmod team started rolling out official CM13 nightly for some devices today. Nexus 7 (deb & flo) also got official cm13 nightly rom based on android marshmallow 6.0.Now you can download official CM13 rom for  Nexus 7 (deb & flo) from the official cyanogenmod website all the links are given in the download section below.

As the rom is new and no one yet test it so we request your to test it out and report in comment section.As this is first cm13 nightly there may be bugs in it.I refer your to make backup of your current rom before flashing this rom.Lets start the guide on How to install Official Cm13 rom on Nexus 7 (deb & flo).

See also:Check out with other devices is going to get official Cm13 rom

#How to install Official CM13 rom in  Nexus 7

1.Download official CM 13 nightly for  Nexus 7 and the appropriate Gapps 6.0 package from link given below Copy it in your in your device.
2.Now place the Official Cyanogenmod 13 rom and gapps 6.0 zip file in sd card.

3.Now reboot to Recovery mode. 

4.Then flash CM13 rom and Gapps 6.0 from recovery in it.
5.Now Clear cache and Clear Data.
6.Reboot your device.Done! you just flash Official cyanogenmod 13 rom in your Nexus 7 (Deb & Flo)

Enjoy Android Marshmallow 6.0 !.
