[Steps] How To Root Moto G 2nd gen 2014 on Marshmallow 6.0

Motorola recently released Android marshmallow 6.0 soak test for Moto G 2nd gen 2014 XT1069 and xda developers patched this official marshmallow 6.0 to work with moto g 2014 xt1068 also if you want toy install in your device follow this link Download Official Marshmallow 6.0 for Moto G 2nd gen.Now coming to rooting process of moto g 2nd gen 2014.How to to root Moto G 2nd gen running official android marshmallow 6.0.Thanks to xda dev Emerson1
for the special boot.img 


In lollipop roms we can easily root it simply by flashing supersu.zip file but in android marshmallow we need a custom kernel or patched boot.img file then only we can get root access on android marshmallow 6.0else it will goes into boot loop if you only flash supersu zip file via recovery.

So lets start the step by step guide on How to root Moto G2 2014 running on android marshmallow 6.0.

Note : Do it at your Own Risk we are not responsible for any damage to your device.


1.Make sure your device bootloader is unlocked.

2.TWRP recovery must be installed.

3.Make backup of your current rom.

#How To Root Moto G 2nd gen 2014 on Android Marshmallow 6.0

1.Download Motorola Drivers ,Minimal Adb fastboot

2.Now install Motorola Driver and ADb Fastboot driver on the desktop.

3.Now Press Shift and Right click any where in the ADB fastboot folder and Click on open command prompt here.

4.Now Turn Of your device and turn on by pressing volume down button and Power button simultaneously until you boots into Bootloader as like below image.

 5.Then Connect your device with your computer via usb cable.

6.Download titan-24.11.10-BR-boot.img special boot img  from below download section and copy it to adb fast boot folder that you extracted on desktop.

7. Now Type the following command One by one in the command prompt.

fastboot flash boot titan-24.11.10-BR-boot.img 

8.Now reboot your device.

9.Download latest super Su.zip file and copy it in your device.
10.Then reboot your device into recovery mode.

11.Tap on "Install" in recovery mode and the select Super su v2.50.zip from your memory where you pasted it in 9th step.

12.Now After selecting the .zip file do "Swipe to confirm flash" at the bottom of the screen.

13.Once Flashed the Super su v2.51.zip files reboot your device. Done! 
